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Parents & Family

Fraternity & Sorority Life is 150 years old to Spartan Nation. 13% of our undergraduate students are members of a Greek lettered organization, and over 4,800 students make up the fraternity and sorority community at Michigan State University. Joining a fraternity or sorority is an opportunity for students to find an organization that aligns with their values, raise thousands of dollars for unique chapter philanthropies, develop leadership skills, and find a community of sisters or brothers to help support them through their academic endeavors at Michigan State University. 

There are 61 chapters which make up our Fraternity & Sorority Life community at Michigan State University. These 60 chapters are governed under 4 councils: The Interfraternity Council - 30 Chapters (housed), Multicultural Greek Council - 9 Chapters, National Pan-Hellenic Council - 8 Chapters, and Panhellenic Council - 14 Chapters (housed).


Frequently Asked Questions

What is my role as a parent? 

  • Ask questions about what organizations will offer your student in order to make the best decision for them. Fraternities and sororities are different one each campus, so allow your student to pick the group with whom they feel most comfortable.  
  • Keep an open mind. Fraternity and Sorority Life is not for everyone. Just because you may have been a fraternity or sorority member doesn't mean that it is the right choice for your student.
  • Ask your student for details about the financial aspect of membership. Each fraternity and sorority has their own dues/costs for their organization and It is important for your students to ask about financial expectations before joining. If you are providing financial assistance, you have the right to know. Many one time fees are paid during the first semester of membership, so expect the first few months to be the most expensive.
  • Be supportive of your student and help them make a decision that best suits them.

How will your student benefit being in a Fraternity/ Sorority?

  • A support group to help them adjust to college 
  • Academic mentorship programs and resources to help them achieve their academic goals 
  • Opportunities to participate in community wide service projects

Can my student live in a Panhellenic or IFC House their second year?

  • The university requires students to live on campus during their second year.
  • With the second year live-on requirement, MSU has created a Group Housing Program, where communal living organizations (such as fraternities, sororities, and other cooperative housing entities) in the City of East Lansing can seek approval to house second-year students in their approved facilities.
  • The program has a two (2) part process: the Group Housing organization application and the Individual Student application. The Group Housing application takes place in the Fall semester, while the Individual Student application process takes place in the Spring semester, specifically in February before REHS returning student housing sign-up in March. 
  • For more information visit our Second Year Group Housing Page here: 

Here are a few resources for you and your student: